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Appropriate bioclimatic design contributes to the thermal performance of buildings. By following the course of the sun along the seasons, thanks to the simple adjustments on the building, it is possible to take advantage of its calories in winter and to avoid the inconveniences of a direct exposure in summer.


A privileged orientation of the building along the North-South / East-West axes is preferred. The large windows naturally find their place on the south facade.


Consistent roof overhangs and / or sunscreens naturally shield the windows from summer solar radiation and greatly reduce the exposure of the walls to the rainwater. This results in a guarantee of durability and longevity of the external coatings (the most disqualifying aspect of the wood coatings).

Low-tech options

The Canadian or Provençal well is one of these simple and inexpensive techniques to implement during the conception of the project. It will temper summer and winter temperature of the air that ventilates the home.

In the perspective of a roof terrace, the option of greening helps to lessen the thermal shock and thus contributes to the thermal resistance of the walls.

State of Art Concept

This construction system allows to implement thermal bridging free wooden structure which ensures the maximum thermal insulation efficiency.

High Thermal Performance 

The energy performance of this construction system is validated by an engineering office as passive house standard.

A propos du concept 

Le système constructif Lo-Cal House permet de mettre en œuvre une structure en bois exempte de ponts thermiques, garantissant ainsi une efficacité maximale de l'isolation thermique.

Haute performance thermique 

Les performances énergétiques du système constructif, validées par un bureau d'étude, sont au standard du passif.


© 2017-2024  Lo-Cal House  -  Mentions légales

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